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We hold Combat Training every Wednesday, our program is under development & will be aimed at improving our members efficiency & teamwork in our Major Op games. We are looking for Instructors to lead training on individual games. We will host various combat training events & develop new training regimes with the goal of improving individually & collectivley. To take part in the development of our training night please get in touch & help!



Operation Commanders

Each game we play as a clan has a dedicated Ops Commander (OC) that will be responsible for the tactics, strategy & training of that particular game. Go to OPERATIONS & look through Current Operations to find out commanders for the games you play. Op Com's can appoint a member to assist in thier Op duties, who may also cover training.

Personal Development

We value our individual members ability's, we understand most people have strengths in different areas & we are keen to help develop & bring out the best in our members. All establiished members will have a personal development plan that they can optionally participate in, which will help identify areas where they can benefit BlackJack 21 & earn more responsibility.


Duece rank is based on the concept of a master & apprentice (Rule of 2). Duece rank members will be appointed a mentor, this is to help them be introduced to clan ways correctly & also help us identify your skills & attributes. Mentors will vary but it will be some one who plays the same games as you & they will be a senior clan member. Other than your mentor, all other established XXI members can provide extra support & are available for help on request.

Platinum Trophies

Obtaining platinum trophy's can quickly become an obsession for gamers these days. We at XXI are no different & we have a lot of platinum experience within our member base. We offer guidance & help... Here is an example of just some of the games we able to help you with; Batman Arkham Asylum, MGS2, 3 & 4, MGS PW, LA Noire, Uncharted, Ghost Recon & many more. Check out Mission Support in the OPERATIONS section of this site for support.

VR Training

BlackJack 21 value the development of our members, it's our members that set our high standards. To help develop individuals & teamwork, we have several systems which we use.

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